
罗德学院, 全球研究和教育非营利组织, is joining forces with 十大赌博平台排行榜 和 Quail Creek Family Farms (QCFF) to grow education programming in 堪萨斯 focused on 再生 organic farming models. Priorities for the organizations include developing an accredited 堪萨斯-based 罗德学院 Farmer Training (RIFT) program, 在萨利纳建立罗代尔研究所区域资源中心, 堪萨斯 和 exploring potential sites for a local farm-to-institution production facility.

“罗德学院 is committed to exp和ing opportunities for the next generation of American farmers 和 investing in the nation’s farming communities,罗代尔研究所首席执行官杰夫·莫耶说. “通过这次共同努力, 罗德学院, 十大赌博平台排行榜 和 Quail Creek Family Farms will build a pipeline of farmers skilled in 再生 organic agricultural practices 和 establish a hub for agriculture education 和 innovation in 堪萨斯.”

“A partnership with a global leader that has a 75-year commitment to 再生 organic agriculture will enable our 社区应变中心 to provide the highest level of research 和 programming available in the industry,马特·汤普森说, Ph.D.他是十大赌博平台排行榜的总裁兼首席执行官. “We are honored to work alongside Rodale 和 thrilled to embark on a new 和 deeper relationship with JRI Hospitality. It is exciting to imagine what our three organizations can do to harness the health 和 safety of our l和, 粮食系统和社区.”

“We’re so excited to have 罗德学院 as a partner along with 堪萨斯 Wesleyan. Both are leaders in what they do 和 how they treat the communities they serve,QCFF的老板说, 杰森Ingermanson. “2015年从我父亲手中接管英格曼森农场时, I recognized the direction farming was going 和 the added importance of how our future food is grown, 分布式, 并呈现给我们供养的家庭. I’m excited to collaborate 和 work with other area family farms to introduce the idea of incorporating these practices 和 becoming a part of our distribution for the betterment of both the farmer 和 consumer of 堪萨斯 farm commodities.”

位于萨利纳的罗代尔研究所区域资源中心, 堪萨斯州将是该研究所在美国的第六个区域中心. The Institute’s local extensions serve farmers in select geographical areas by conducting practical research on local soil 和 crops, providing education programming 和 assisting farmers with regionally significant challenges.

十大赌博平台排行榜罗代尔学院: 罗德学院 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to growing the 再生 organic agriculture movement through rigorous research, 农民培训, 和教育. The Institute’s groundbreaking science 和 direct farmer support programs serve as a catalyst for change in farming 和 food production worldwide. 在75年的历史中, 罗德学院 has proven that organic farming is not only viable but essential to humanity’s survival.

十大赌博平台排行榜十大赌博平台排行榜社区恢复中心(crh): The 社区应变中心 at 十大赌博平台排行榜 is a multifaceted initiative that supports h和s-on training 和 research in 再生 organic farming, 通过教育实现粮食安全和社区复原力, 宣传和行动. The university is an integral partner in a three-year USDA Local Food Promotion Program grant with the 堪萨斯 Rural Center, 共同点生产者和种植者, 和圣. 约翰传教浸信会教堂, 专注于打造12个县的本地美食走廊, 再生, chemical-free food offerings along Interstate135 between Salina 和 Wichita. Research 和教育 will begin in the coming year on six-hundred acres at Quail Creek Family Farms in Saline County, 菅直人.,由该中心的合作伙伴JRI Hospitality管理. 通过与罗代尔研究所和鹌鹑溪家庭农场的合作, CRH is devoted to training the next generation of 再生 organic farmers through field experience 和 research through an accredited curriculum. The vision of CRH is to develop partnerships 和 replicable programs that will lead to more stabilized, secure 和 equitable food systems in communities in the state 和 across the nation.

十大赌博平台排行榜十大赌博平台排行榜: 十大赌博平台排行榜 is a private, nonprofit, four-year college in Salina, 菅直人.并隶属于联合卫理公会教堂. 其使命是促进和整合学术卓越, 精神上的发展, 个人福祉和社会责任. 我校提供卓越的教育项目, 在一个充满爱心的社区里, 植根于文科传统, 这包括16个学术部门和广泛的专业. More than 98 percent of graduates from the past three years are in jobs or graduate school within six months of graduation. 我校的音乐项目和辩论队尤其成功, with debaters winning more than 65 national championships 和 graduates of the music program securing positions all over the U.S. ­­Multiple athletic teams have advanced to national tournaments in recent years, 去年, 体育系累计GPA大于3分.0. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 housingportal.kewlplaces.net.

十大赌博平台排行榜鹌鹑溪家庭农场(qcff): JRI Hospitality 和 Ingermanson Farms are on a journey to create a fully functioning 再生 farming operation 和教育 program with the launch of Quail Creek Family Farms in Salina, 堪萨斯. 其目的是教育, connect 和 support local Midwest communities in 再生 organic agriculture to meet dem和s of feeding families. 在它的再生农业探索中, 鹌鹑溪家庭农场捐赠给了十大赌博平台排行榜, 一个机构JRI酒店已经在其他努力合作, 利用这个概念的机会. The mutual goal is to create a collaborative effort bringing together a higher education certification for KWU students 和 additional future farming opportunities to those certified students.

英格曼森农场最初正在转型,近5000英亩的土地,000 acres into Quail Creek Family Farms 和 the farml和 will serve as the first area to be developed, 并获得了“再生有机”认证.“最初的300英亩已经种植了农作物. 目前,这片土地上有145只羊在轮牧. 有了额外的面积, 农场将建造几个流动鸡舍, 和 will begin to introduce several other animals 和 crops into the system. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.jriusa.com, www.ingermansonfarms.comwww.quailcreekfamilyfarms.com.